Technical Specs
RhinoAlutec® Grating

Panel Size
600 x 600600 x 600600 x 600
Panel Thickness55.00 mm55.00 mm55.00 mm
Panel Weight10.00 kg11.00 kg12.00 kg
System Weight33.85 kg36.63 kg39.41 kg
Concentrated Load4.50 kN5.56 kN6.67 kN
Uniform Load12.00 kN14.83 kN17.80 kN
Ultimate load13.50 kN16.68 kN20.01 kN
RhinoAlutec® Grating
  • Anti-corrosion and anti-magnetic aluminum perforated raised floor

  • Superb underfoot comfort

  • Light weight and high loading capacity

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RhinoAlutec® Grating
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